Local News' Headlines
Missing from yesterday's issue was KIRO TV-7, so today, we're going to focus on them. Here are some stories from the 1st half hour of their 6 AM broadcast:
- Bizzare murder scheme involving an Everett woman, her 2 children, and other teens to kill her boss
- Negligence charges against Artic Sole Seafood over the ship, the Artic Rose
- FAA ordering inspections of Boeing 737 jam-nuts
- "Mystery" tool found at Alaska Airlines in Seattle. Might be involved in the crash of flight 261
- No bail for a Renton man
- Possible Teacher walkout in Seattle
- Power crisis affecting events in Tacoma, like the zoo
- Olympia special session agenda
- Local election results
- Top-paid state workers include 2 from the UW. They then had to add an aside that Gary Locke ranked 3rd
- Hilary Clinton hosting a fundraiser for Cantwell
14 minutes into the broadcast came the story about the FAA report on delays at the nation's 31 busiest airports. By the way, Sea-Tac didn't make the top 8!
17 minutes later came real brief coverage of the Antartic rescue mission being delayed. Followed by Robert Downey Jr. being arrested and terminated from the Ally McBeal show, playing part of the 911 tape of the CA busyard shooting, and the report on school bullying on the rise.
Network news' top stories
- Antartic rescue soon to be back underway later today if all goes well. Plane had landed in minus 75 degree temps and snow.
- FAA report on airport delays
- Coming after yesterday's decision to sell arms to Taiwan, President Bush, in an interview with ABC, had signaled a MAJOR SHIFT in US policy regarding their defense. Previously, the US was relatively vague, but Bush's comments stated the US would definitely defend Taiwan and do whatever is necessary, and that China needs to understand that.
- China issues a formal protest over the arm sales agreement
- Mississippi River crests just inches below the sandbag levies in Davenport, IA. If continues to rise, may break levies and flood town.
- "Space tourist" who paid $20 million will be allowed to visit the space station, will stay in the Russian section, and will pay for anything he breaks
- Former Filipino President Estrada arrested on corruption charges. Police battle rioting supporters
- Florida wildfires threaten the Everglades
- Robert Downey Jr's drug arrest
- School bullying on the rise
Now you decide which is more important:
Maria Cantwell's fundraiser, negligence charges against a ship, the top paid state employees, OR
The notion that the US may actually use military force against China should they attack Taiwan, major flooding in the Midwest, wildfires threatening the Everglades, and airport delays at almost every major airport in the nation!
And what do you think of this one?
On Q13's 10 PM broadcast, the story about Maria Cantwell's fundraiser came BEFORE Puget Sound Energy's getting the ok to charge different rates depending upon the day!